Shame On The NFL For Sending 275 Pound Prospects To The Combine In Middle Seats

Jodi Jacobson. Getty Images.

Fat guy in a little coat. Fat guy in a little coooooat. It’s bad for the guy. It’s worse for the coat. And that classic moment from Chris Farley in Tommy Boy came to mind this morning after someone pointed out the flight accommodations for the large humans who are heading to Indianapolis.

The NFL flies prospects to the Scouting Combine in coach. We’ve heard about one player who is 6'5" and 275 pounds — and who was shoehorned into a middle seat in coach.


According to my googles the National Football League made almost $12 Billion in the year 2023 and they're still out here committing the cardinal sin of aviation travel which for any of you non-fats out there is putting someone that's overweight in a middle seat on a flight. As a fat myself it is, quite literally, my worst nightmare. The pure idea of having people sitting in the aisle and window as you arrive to your middle seat and watching them both undoubtedly roll their eyes due to this impending uncomfortable experience makes my stomach turn. I had to do it once on a last minute Southwest flight and THANK GOD there was maybe a 13-year-old kid in a window seat that I sat next. Crisis averted.

But for these NFL prospects? Not so much. And these dudes don't even have just the weight problem they ALSO have the leg room problem with their height. A double whammy as they say. My thoughts & prayers are out to them and the only thing I can say at this time are 2 things:

1. If one of you happen to be reading this check your airline app CONSTANTLY as people will cancel and aisles seats will become open. It happens a lot. 

2. NFL- spring for some first class or at least comfort seats to avoid the leg room issues for these guys. $12 Billion last year!!! $12 Billion!!!

For more combine content, check out the Barstool Combine going on live from Chicago right now.

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